Class 11 - Multilevel


: 12:00pm - 2:45pm, March 21, 2022

Chapter 13: Models with Memory


Lecture 13

Link to pdf

Lecture 14

Link to pdf


Due before class: Monday, April 4 at 11:59am

Class Feedback

Lesson Quiz

Project Check in 3

Due next class (11:59am on Monday, April 11) will be your first draft of your project. You can refer back to the final project page for more details.

Project Check In 3 Canvas Link

What will be expected to be included in your first draft:

  • articulated problem statement / research question (what are you trying to study?)
  • load data and basic data manipulation (if necessary)
  • initial modeling (e.g., prior, first attempt at model, DAG)

Also, starting next week, I will provide calendly links for a 30 minute group meeting to discuss your project. This meeting will be sometime between April 11 and April 25 (project check-in 4).

Lab for Class 11

Additional helper packages

Likely we won’t have time to review but worth mentioning.
