Project Check-in 1


  • Present 5-7 minute presentation on a Bayesian article, blog or tutorial

  • You may choose an academic paper, a blog post, or tutorial on a programming language or open source package.

  • You are welcome to choose your own or alternatively choose from any of the applications or ideas below.

Option 1: Article or Blog

Create presentation summarizing the article and blog (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, xaringan)

Include in your presentation:

  • First slide: What is the background? What makes it Bayesian?

  • 2-4 Slides: Explain at least two important figures.

  • Last Slide: Questions or Observations

Option 2: Programming tutorial or notebook

Present a demo of the notebook (e.g., Colab, binder, GitPod, or your local computer)

Example presentation

Example Article: Vincent Warmerdam’s Blogpost on Regression per Stat School


Can I work with someone?

Individual only. Final project you can work with someone else.

Can I pre-record my talk and submit that?

Yes! You can pre-record your talk and submit a .mp4 video recording as an alternative.

How do I present a tutorial / notebook?

Either run real time locally, on the cloud, or review static rendering (e.g., html or pdf). If you choose this option, you can simply recreate the original notebook code. What you’ll be expected is to understand and explain what the code is doing.

If I do a tutorial / notebook, do I need to use a new data set than the original tutorial or notebook?

No. You can use the original if you can explain the code/problem and run it on your own. Spend more time to create replicable reruns like cloud versions that other students can run as well (e.g., RStudio.Cloud, Colab, binder, GitPod, etc.).

I don’t understand everything in the post. I’m worried I may not know everything. Is that okay?

Absolutely! You’re not expected to know everything. Part of this exercise is learning to be confident to be comfortable with being confused.

I recommend keeping your slides to only images or very short bullet points. Many students have the urge to do the opposite – add as much to the slide to make up for worries of not knowing everything. Just state items you don’t understand, especially in your conclusion.

Suggested References


Bayesian Model of Planetary MotionBayesian Model of Planetary MotionR
Exoplanet DetectionIntro to gaussian processes in Stan: Finding exoplanetsR
Covid Vaccine EfficacyBayesian Statistics of Efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine — part I
Bayesian Cognitive ModelingA Beginner’s Guide to Bayesian Cognitive ModelingTuring

Time or Space

Games (Battleship)Playing Battleship with Bayesian Search Theory, Thompson Sampling, and Approximate Bayesian ComputationPython
Intro to Gaussian ProcessesVisual exploration of Gaussian processes
Bayesian Time SeriesUber’s Time Series Inference and Forecasting packagePython

Financial / Political

Bayesian Portfolio AnalysisBayesian Portfolio Optimisation: Introducing the Black-Litterman ModelPython
Visualizing Bayesian Unemployment ForecastsUncertainty examples with US unemployment dataR
Election ForecastingEconomist 2020 Election Forecasting
Election ForecastingAn Updated Dynamic Bayesian Forecasting Model for the US Presidential Election

Machine Learning

Fairness in MLGreat Potential of Priors: Common Sence Reduced to PriorsPython
Fairness in MLHow You Can Add Fairness Constraints to Models Using PriorsPython

Marketing / Consumer Behavior

A / B testingR package bayesAB tutorialR
Bayesian OptimizationLyft Bayesian Optimization
Bayesian OptimizationApple’s Interpretable Adaptive Optimization
User RatingsA Bayesian Model of Lego Set RatingsPython
Recommender & Multiarmed BanditsA penguin fish-recommender systems using multi-armed bandits pt. 1Julia

Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization

Uncertainty Visualizations in Mobile AppsUncertainty displays using quantile dotplots or CDFs improve transit decision-making (Fernandes et al., 2018)R
Bayesian Methodology in HCIWhy Bayesian Statistics Better Fit the Culture and Incentives of HCI (Kay et al., 2016)R
Bayesian Data VisualizationsEvaluating Bayesian Model Visualisations (Stein & Williamson, 2022)

Natural language programming

Original paper on LDA (topic modeling)Latent dirichlet allocation (Blei, Ng, Jordan, 2003)
Introduction to Topic ModelingProbabilistic Topic Models
Topic Modeling in PythonOCTIS python packagePython
Predicting Federalist Paper AuthorshipNaive BayesR


Baseball statisticsUnderstanding Bayesian A/B testing (using baseball statistics)R
Baseball statisticsUnderstanding credible intervals (using baseball statistics)R
Baseball statisticsHierarchical Partial Pooling of Batting AveragesPython (PyMC3)
SoccerA Bayesian Approach to In-Game Win ProbaiblityR

Probabilistic programming

Any Stan Code ExamplesStan websiteMany
Any Turing.jl Code TutorialsTuring.jl websiteJulia
Any PyMC3 Code ExamplesPyMC websitePython